To my wife…………“I love you baby, more
than you know”
I am blessed that my wife enjoys golf and we
enjoy golfing together. I know this contradicts
most men’s perception of the game. I also
know that some may call for the revocation of
my man card. The truth is it was revoked years
ago, when I uttered that profound phrase, “I
do,” but that is a different story.
Every married couple knows the trials,
tribulations and compromising that must occur
to sustain a marriage. On the other hand, the
celebration of little successes is also sweeter,
when shared with a spouse.
Still, it’s difficult to say the words,
“My wife
beat me in golf.”
I consider myself a modern man, more liberated
than most. I know many macho golfers that could
not even consider that phrase, let alone utter it.
Even enticed with a full round of golf with Natalie
Gulbis and they would deny, deny, deny.
In my defense, on the day of that dreadful
occurrence, I was somewhat preoccupied
with work and my wife was in a fantastic frame
of mind. I was tinkering with my swing, but
she was focused. I never even realized it was
happening until it was,
too late.
As we walked off the 7th hole, she looked at
me with a smirk and said,
“You do realize, we are tied right now.”
I was in total
! There was no way this
could possibly be true. I immediately grabbed
the scorecard and to my complete and utter
surprise, it confirmed, we were deadlocked
in the most important match of my life. How
could this happen? Not here, not TODAY!
The Day I Lost My Man Card
Bryan Renius
NWO Golf Links