faulty movement patterns that will adversely
impact a golf-swing. Correct posture can make
a huge difference, when it’s your turn at the tee.
Sports massage also offers other benefits to
golfers, including increased blood circulation,
reduction of muscle spasms and adhesions,
improved mental focus, and decreased anxiety
and stress levels. When the body is healthy and
relaxed, it will function efficiently, providing
consistent shots.
There are two primary types of sports massage:
: a short, stimulating massage focused
on warming-up the major muscles to be used.
:providedafteranevent tonormalize
the body’s tissues; conditioning, given during
a golfer’s training routine to help them reach
peak performance; and rehabilitative, aimed at
alleviating pain due to injury and promoting
faster recovery.
Prior to your appointment, discuss with the
therapist any concerns, issues, or injuries that
need to be addressed and ask what types of
massage techniques would best suit your
needs. During your appointment, expect
discomfort, especially for tight muscles and
long-neglected, old, or untreated injuries. Be
sure to keep your therapist informed of your
comfort levels.
Whether you are a casual or competitive golfer,
discover how sports massage can help give you
that edge while playing at pain-free golf.
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