3. Recently another exciting
way to engage women has
been the development of
. What does that web-
site offer women?
It provides answers to many
questions that women and
girls may have, but have
never had the opportunity to
ask. It’s a warm, welcoming
resource for women and girls
to get engaged or further
engaged in golf.
4. Women are now the
fastest growing segment
of new players entering
the game of golf.
many new women players
have entered the game in
the past few years?
In the past two years over
660,000 new women golfers
have begun playing golf.
That represents almost a 15%
increase and is proof that the
programs are paying dividends.
5. What is the strategy to
tear down the perceived
Within the PGA, a long-term
effort has started that will bring
more women and minorities
into PGA membership so
that it reflects the society
as a whole. Secondly, the
organization is striving to
create a sense of belonging
that resonates with all races,
ethnicities and genders.
6. What is your message to
women who play golf?
One of the main reasons that
many women don’t play is
that they have not yet been
invited. An invitation can be
a powerful thing.
Every golfer should extend
invitations to non-golfing
friends to join them the next
time they go to the golf course
or the practice range. Let’s
grow the game of golf together!
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