10 Tips to Improve Your Game,
On and Off The Course
By Greg Liberto
Getting better daily starts by improving your
life off the course. Here are my Top 10 Tips to
Improve your game, on and off the course.
1 - Proper sleep
7-8 hours of quality sleep is essential to keep you
focused, alert and making smart choices each day.
2 - Nutrition
Eating well starts by making smart choices. To
keep it ultra-simple, choose foods grown on a
plant, not in a plant.
3 - Physical Activity
This could be time at the gym or taking a walk or
jog.Anything to increase your heart rate, flexibility,
strength or stamina is a great place to start.
3.5 - Meditation
Think of this as quiet thought time allowing
your mind and body to relax completely (could
be two minutes or two hours). The key is to
focus on your breathing by breathing through
your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
The longer the inhale and exhale, the more
relaxed you become.
4 - 10 Minutes of Reading/Learning
One of the best quotes I ever saw was from
Michaelangelo who said
“I am 88 years old
and still learning.”
Constant improvement
starts with constant learning.
5 - Laughter & Quality Conversation
Both of these can trigger endorphins that make
you feel better immediately.
6 - Say Your Primary Question Aloud
This is the most powerful concept I teach
and creates the daily motivation, focus and
clarity you need to bring out your best, every
single day.
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