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the club head speed and correct swing planes

for his students.

For children learning to putt, Convert-a-Hole

creates a larger more acceptable target for

beginning golfers. If young players are able to

make a putt the game becomes more enjoyable

and that positive feedback stimulates them to

try more.

Cure putters are also supporting Matt’s efforts

and their unique design allows Matt to more

easily fit a putter for a particular student. The

company has been very supportive of his efforts

and have donated putters for his physically

challenged students.

Matt is happy to announce that he has just

signed with MySwing Golf to provide the latest

digital swing analysis available for his students.

Matt Lake is bringing golf to Physically

Challenged Children, One Swing at a Time.

He has not let his physical limitations hold

him back and instead used them as a means

to help special needs children find a way to be

involved in a sport that can give them hours of

entertainment. The simple action of learning to

properly hit a golf ball can provide confidence

and enjoyment for these children.

He suffered taunting and discrimination his

entire life, but that has not stopped him from

playing golf, being a professional caddie and a

teaching professional.

Lake through his foundation and teaching

academy brings the lessons he learned from

the best players and golf instructors in the

world to help physically challenged and

hearing impaired children in northwest Ohio

and southeast Michigan.

All funds for the Matthew Lake Foundation are

used solely to provide equipment and training

for children with disabilities. If you would like

to help Matt teach special needs children,

donations can be made by calling: 734-854-

4653, or via email:

His website:


currently under construction and will be

available soon.

NWO Golf Links