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Scioto Country Club

Helped Shape Jack Nicklaus

Scioto Country Club is very

proud of the way one of its own,

the Golden Bear, grew up.

Young Jack’s father, Charlie

was a pharmacist by vocation

and had played football at

Ohio State University. He

continued to enjoy all athletic

endeavors after college, but

as age besets all athletes, he

hurt his ankle playing in a

pick-up basketball game and

his doctor advised walking to

help strengthen it.

Since golf required walking,

Charlie decided to give it a

try. He had moved his young

family to Upper Arlington

and joined nearby Scioto

Country Club. Jack tagged

along with his dad to the

course and hit a few shots on

the range. He, like his father,

enjoyed all sports, excelling

at football and basketball, but

golf caught his fancy.

Charlie decided that young

jackneeded to learn toplay the

game correctly and Scioto’s

head golf professional, Jack

Grout was given the task of

developing the young talent.

Grout recognized the gifts his

pupil possessed and nurtured

his abilities.

This was a different time,

Upper Arlington was a

sleepy suburb of Columbus

in the 1950’s and Jack could

easily walk the 3 blocks

to the course, drop a ball

and commence his round.

It takes a village to raise a child……African Proverb

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