people with autism. The First
Tee of Lake Erie worked with
seven children at Crosswinds
Golf Club in Perrysburg, Ohio.
They met twice a week for
six weeks and it was a huge
success! The children’s social,
motor and communication
skillswere noticeably improved
from beginning to end. Plus,
the participants and coaches
enjoyed the experience of
working together.
The First Tee of Lake Erie also
announced the construction of
a new facility to provide a safe,
educational, and fun place for
children of Toledo to call home
on a daily basis.
If your child or someone you
might knowwould be interested
in joining a First Tee program,
please contact Program Director,
Chuck Benes at: cbenes@pga. com,Adam Reny at:
adam. or visit their website: www. .TolearnmoreaboutEls forAutism
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